Bazler, Lisa & Ryan. Psychology Debunked. Lake Mary, FL: Creation House Press.
Bobgan, Martin and Deidre. PsychoHeresy: The Psychological Seduction of Christianity. Santa Barbara, CA: EastGate Publishers.
Bulkley, Ed. Why Christians Can’t Trust Psychology. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers.
Farber, Seth. Unholy Madness: The Church’s Surrender to Psychiatry. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press.
Ganz, Richard. PsychoBabble: The Failure of Modern Psychology and the Biblical Alternative. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.
Idomir, Louise. Psychology: Pied Piper of New Age. Oklahoma City, OK: Hearthstone Publishing, Ltd.
Kilpatrick, William. Psychological Seduction: The Failure of Modern Psychology. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Owen, Jim. Christian Psychology’s War on God’s Word: The Victimization of the Believer. Santa Barbara, CA: EastGate Publishers.
Rugh, Gil. Psychology: The Trojan Horse. Lincoln, NE: Sound Words.
Vitz, Paul. Psychology as Religion: The Cult of Self-Worship, rev. ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Last update: June26, 2006.
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